Our dental team at Dentistry For You offers dental sealants to add extra protection to your teeth. Sometimes, teeth are weaker in spots than others or more difficult for you to reach with your toothbrush. Dental sealants are an excellent solution for preventing future issues with these spots. Dental sealants can help protect your teeth from cavities or other dental diseases drawn to these weaker spots in your teeth. Dental sealants can protect the teeth for many years without needing to be replaced. Children with dental sealants tend to have fewer cavities than those without them.
A dental sealant is an added layer of protection sealed to the back of the teeth. We usually place these thin layers of extra protection over areas that tend to accumulate bacteria and plaque. Usually, these are small cracks and fissures or hard-to-reach areas in the grooves of your teeth. If we think you would benefit from sealants, we will first ensure you understand what they are, where they will be, and what they might require in the future. Bonds are easy for our dental team to apply to your teeth. Your dentist can easily apply the sealant to your tooth using a bonding gel in an efficient and painless process. Dental sealants are most often used for children or adults who have deep grooves in their teeth that are hard to brush. If you think that dental sealants would benefit your teeth, or you would like to schedule a routine exam and cleaning with Dentistry For You dental, give us a call today!